Have you ever tried to plan your budget around the possibility that you could lose your income? For most people, the loss of an income is unthinkable. They have financial obligations to meet, kids to feed, and a roof to keep over their heads. Unfortunately, after a non-work-related disability, many individuals see their capacity to earn an income ripped out from under them in the blink of an eye.
And while their income flow stops almost immediately, supposed resources for the disabled are slow in coming. Social Security has so many incoming applications that one must wait for months before payments are approved – and there is no guarantee that they will be. Social Security disability is notoriously difficult to qualify for and impossible for those with a short-term disability. For families who ultimately get approved there are still devastating financial consequences caused by delays in paperwork processing, paperwork errors, and Social Security disability’s waiting period.
So what's your plan? Do you have enough in your savings account to support your family while waiting for Social Security disability approval? And what if you are denied? Can you continue supporting them sooner savings until you are cleared for work again?
It's impractical for most families to self-insure their income during the whole of their disability which is why disability insurance exists. Disability insurance policies offer families an affordable premium in exchange for disability benefits paid out on their terms. The benefits can be for both short- and long-term disabilities, they can have a very short waiting periods before benefits begin in order to avoid forcing families to deplete their savings, and the payments can replace as much or as little of your income as you see fit.
With a disability insurance policy, you can ensure that your family never has to find out how to survive without an income after a disability forces you out of work. If you're ready to start shopping for disability insurance policies and comparing quotes, give us a call or stop by today. At Adcock-Adcock Insurance Agency, we can compare the quotes of many high-rated insurers and design a policy that fits your budget while still providing the protection your family needs.