Everybody understands the value of vehicle insurance, but few people understand how temporary auto insurance works. If you are like most motorists, then you have a standard auto insurance policy that covers you for an extended period of (e.g., six months or a year). What about if you are not a frequent driver, and you only want to drive your cousin’s car for a day or two?
Temporary auto insurance covers those who just need to drive for short periods. In most cases, it is available for 1 to 28 days, though there may be variations. Applicants usually get the coverage in a few minutes, so it is not something you have to plan for long in advance.
If you are borrowing a friend’s car, for example, you should not assume that his policy offers you coverage too, as that is not always the case. You should also look for temporary auto insurance when test driving a car or in any other situation where you need temporary use of a vehicle. Do not assume that the rental car is covered because it might not be.
This form of insurance is necessary because an accident can occur at any time, even in the driveway, and the consequences for the uninsured can be devastating. The temporary cover protects the driver, the car and any third parties who may incur losses in an accident involving your car.
However, temporary insurance is not all about protection in case of accidents. You should insure any car under your custody, even when it is not being driven. A car packed in the driveway or garage can be damaged by vandalism, fire or even stolen. If such a vehicle is not insured, then the owner will be left to bear the liabilities. Therefore, when you are in temporary custody of a vehicle, you should cover it even if it is just going to sit in your garage for a few days.
Short-term auto insurance policies can be expensive when you view them in an annualized basis. Since they are only required for short periods, they are not really expensive. In addition, you can use choose between liability coverage and full coverage. In most cases, it will just cost you a few dollars per day.
Tampa auto insurance regulations may not always be clear to you, so you should always check with your regular insurer first. If you have valid coverage in place, it may extend to any vehicle you drive. You should confirm, however, especially if you plan to drive out of state or in a foreign country. We are happy to answer all your temporary auto insurance queries. Contact us at Adcock-Adcock Insurance Agency for all temporary vehicle insurance coverage you may need. Since it is always best to err on the side of caution, you should contact us if you are in doubt.