The necessity of owning auto insurance is a fact of life. Perhaps because it’s such a constant in life, people often make the mistake of doing some initial research before they get their auto insurance but then not thinking about it again for years. However, there are plenty of reasons you should reassess your Tampa Auto Insurance policy on a regular basis. Here are just a few:
1. A couple years has passed since you last shopped around
If it’s been 2 or 3 years since you got your auto insurance policy, you should at least spend some time shopping around and comparing the price of your policy with others on the market. Over 2-3 years, the market can change drastically. However, if you’re locked into a current plan you may not even notice there are better offers out there. There are also constantly new insurance companies entering into the market, and they are frequently willing to offer tantalizing deals to lure you away from your current company. To not at least explore these options regularly is unsound financial logic.
2. You’re getting married
If you’re getting married and will have two cars with two individual insurance plans, you should strongly consider canceling one of the plans. You can get a joint insurance plan to cover both cars and save yourself some money.
3. You’re getting a new car
Frequently car dealers will offer some sort of insurance deal to entice you to buy a new car. This might be something like free insurance for a year (or longer). This alone could be a reason to change policies. But even if there isn't an appealing offer that comes along with your car, insurance companies differ in the rates they offer for different brands and types of cars. You should shop around to see if you can find a better deal than what you’re currently getting.
4. You are retired and over 55
There are many insurance companies that offer discounts to those who are over 55. This is especially true if you have a good driving record. Thus, if you’re over 55 and your current company doesn't offer a discount, seek out someone who does.
5. You are going on a new budget
Don’t feel forced to accept your current insurance rate if you’re trying to cut costs. Shopping around may very well find you a new plan that fits in your budget, instead of one that forces you to form your budget around it.
Changing your insurance policy these days is pretty easy, and you can do most of the work over the internet or phone. To get started, contact an Adcock-Adcock Insurance agent today at 866-933-6691 and get a free quote on your new car insurance policy. You’ll wonder why you waited so long to shop around!